
STHS Mission:

"Our educational community at South Tahoe High School promotes academic excellence through diverse learning opportunities, empowering students to become informed citizens who demonstrate integrity, kindness, and confidence."

STHS Vision:

South Tahoe high School's Vision in to provide student-centered learning experiences that develop a sense of purpose through real-world learning and authentic collaboration. 

About Us

Located high in the Sierra Nevada on the south shore of Lake Tahoe, South Tahoe High School (STHS) is the four-year comprehensive high school for Lake Tahoe Unified School District.  STHS follows a 4X4 hybrid schedule allowing students choices and flexibility in their high school schedules as well as providing more options aimed at preparing them for college and career. 

To ensure students thrive in school, we offer numerous support programs including English Language Development (ELD), TRiO tutoring support, and Upward Bound academic support. Additionally, the campus is equipped with classroom technology including SMART boards, ViewSonic boards, LCD monitors, document cameras, and high-speed wi-fi and speaker systems creating optimal learning environments for all students. To accompany classroom technology, every student is provided with a Chromebook facilitating 1-to-1 computing devices and student access to online instructional programs and curriculum. 

STHS has a long tradition of celebrating academics, athletics, and the arts.  We offer 21 AP/Honors courses and 14 Dual Enrollment courses, along with 30+ Career Technical Education (CTE) courses in state of the art facilities. 

In addition to field trips to colleges, students gain experience outside the Lake Tahoe Basin through journeys together where they explore their talents in arts, team sports, and career paths that provide a glimpse into their futures. Senior Project continues to be a required graduation performance standard and involves a minimum of fifteen out-of-class hours working with a mentor on a self-selected topic, research paper, and oral presentation to a board of community members and faculty. STHS is currently fully WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited through June 30, 2029.
Our 2024/2025 Course Catalog is available here: English: STHS 2024/2025  Spanish: STHS 2024/2025

The South Lake Tahoe community - students, staff, families, and community members, contributed to Viking Vision, a plan for student-centered learning and the Viking Graduate Profile of qualities we promote in our graduates. Together, the STHS community has developed a shared vision of student-centered learning and identified qualities we want to instill in our graduates. Our vision is grounded in the nexus between mastery-based learning, culturally relevant practices, and trauma informed practices.