
Viking Vision

South Tahoe High School has a long tradition of celebrating academics, athletics and the arts. Students explore career paths in a wide array of Career Technical Education (CTE) courses in state-of-the-art facilities. Students learn, grow and connect to the community of South Lake Tahoe and the natural resources in and around Lake Tahoe.

In addition to field trips to colleges, students gain experience outside the Lake Tahoe Basin through journeys together to explore and grow their talents in arts, team sports and career possibilities that provide a glimpse into their futures. As a community, there is a desire to paint a clear picture of student-centered learning and a portrait of our graduates that will ensure our students’ readiness for their future.

We also believe that all of our students deserve to aspire to their individual choices for college and career. Throughout the fall of 2017, the South Lake Tahoe community -- students, staff, families and community members -- contributed to a shared vision of student-centered learning and identified key qualities we want to develop in our graduates.

The intent of Viking Vision 2020 is to provide a platform for ongoing community engagement, reflection and action as we seek to achieve our goals. Viking Vision is adapting to become an iterative process each year to take the freshmen class into account. Therefore, Viking Vision will forecast out to our newest students’ graduation dates resulting in a succession of plans with the first ending at 2022, then the class of 2023 and so on. As a community, there is a desire to paint a clear picture of student-centered learning and a portrait of our graduates that will ensure our students’ readiness for their future. We also believe that all of our students deserve to aspire to their individual choices for college and career.

The Viking Vision 2022 plan describes: ➢ South Tahoe High School’s vision and framework for student-centered learning.
➢ Viking Graduate Profile that describes qualities and skills our students will demonstrate by graduation along with links to standards of practice and career readiness.
➢ Goals we want to achieve with links to district/LCAP goals.
➢ Key actions we are taking to achieve our goals.
➢ Summary of plan with initial actions, milestones and a forecast to steps beyond 2022.