
Student code of conduct

....conduct is a mode or standard of personal behavior, especially when based on moral principles. A code pf ethics is a set of rules that outline good and bad behavior. A code of conduct is a set of rules that members of an organization or people in a particular role must follow....

academic integrity

Teachers will assign discipline for instances of cheating on homework and tests. Instances of plagiarism, including copying other students' work and/or incorrectly using published or intellectual property, including Chatgpt or other AI chatbots, may result in referral for disciplinary action. 



  • 0% on assignment/assessment or allow resubmissioat teacher discretion

  • Referral in Aeries

  • Parencontact by teacher (phone/email)



  • 0% on assignment/assessment or allow resubmissioat teacher discretion

  • Referral in Aeries

  • Parent meeting with admin

  • Complete integrity module outside of school day (with counselor)

  • Complete academic integrity form outside of school day (with counselor)


  • Students will meet with an academic integrity panel composed of counselor(s) and administratorsThe panel will decide if thstudent will be given another opportunity or fail the semester.


Electronic devices / Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Attendance and Tardies

Students must be in their scheduled class by the time the second (tardy) bell has finished ringing.

  • Teachers take attendance within the first 15 minutes of each period.

  • Students who arrive after the tardy bell has rung will be recorded as tardy by the teacher (in AERIES).

  • The AERIES system will call &/or text parents/guardians each period in the event student is marked tardy or absent.

  • If a student has a staff-authorized tardy, student must present a pass signed by a staff member which includes date and time.

Tardy Station

Attendance Policy 1Attendance 2

School Attire

School attire should foster a safe and positive educational environment for our students. All students are to attend school and school-related activities dressed in a manner which is clean and appropriate for the health and safety of themselves and of others and supports the educational process.

Allowable Attire

  • Students. must wear clothing including both a1shirt with pants or skirt, or he equivalent and shoes.
  • Clothing must cover undergarments. waistbands and bra straps excluded.
  • All private parts must be covered by fabric that is not see-through.
  • Students' faces and ears must be visible to staff at all times. Headwear must not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff.
  • Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled school activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities. where unique hazards exist
  • Specialized courses and -activities may require or a mow specialized attire,
  • such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
  • Shirts must be worn to reach the top of students. Pants, shorts or shirt.


Non-permissible Attire

  • Attire depicting, Advertising or advocating the use of alcohol tobacco.
  • marijuana or other controlled substances.
  • Attire depicting pornography, nudity, partial nudity, sexual ads, or expletives.
  • Attire., including gang identifiers, that threatens the health or safety of any
  • other student or staff.
  • Attire depicting ate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender. sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.