The role of the school site Council
A school that operates a categorical program funded through the consolidated application (ConApp) is required to establish a school site council (SSC) if such program requires a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (California Education Code [EC] Section 65000[b]).
The SSC is required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program, and participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA. The SPSA is a strategic plan that outlines specific and measurable goals at the school site with the intention of increasing student achievement. The SPSA should align with the local educational agency’s (LEA’s) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process as they both help support continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.
School site council responsibilities
The SSC develops the content of the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]). The SPSA, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and the LCAP, if any, must be reviewed and updated annually by the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]). This includes at a minimum, the SSC must:
- Develop and approve the SPSA, including the proposed expenditures of funds. The SPSA must align with the needs identified through the school’s comprehensive needs assessment and the goals identified by the SSC and must adhere to all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The SPSA must include funds based on projected allocations from federal funds, and may also include other state or local funds allocated to the school to support student achievement. Proposed expenditures include planned spending and costs needed to implement the strategies/services in the SPSA.
- Recommend the SPSA, including proposed expenditures of funds, to the LEA’s local governing board or body for approval.
- Provide ongoing review throughout the school year of the implementation of the strategies/services in the SPSA to ensure the plan is being carried out to address the needs of the school and its students.
- Make modifications to the SPSA, if a need arises. The SSC will submit the modified SPSA to the local governing board/body for approval whenever a material change (as defined in local governing board policy) is made to planned activities or related expenditures.
- Annually evaluate the progress made toward the school’s goals to increase the academic achievement of all students. This includes reviewing and analyzing established metrics, baseline data, and desired outcomes in the SPSA to ensure continuous improvement of students in the schoolwide program.
- Perform all other duties assigned to the SSC by the local governing board or body of the LEA and by state law. As each school has their own unique needs and student populations, the SSC must ensure this is considered within their duties and responsibilities.