
STHS Students

Welcome to our Student Information page! This is your go-to resource for information you need for parking permits, work permits, Aeries access, Canvas access and more.  We are dedicated to helping you succeed, so take a look around, and feel free to reach out with any questions or for additional assistance!

Parking Permits

All students who wish to drive to, and park at the high school are required to obtain, and display in their vehicle at all times, a current school year parking tag.
A copy of the parking application & certification form can be picked up in the attendance office. Turn in the completed paperwork and the parking application to the attendance office before school or after school, to obtain a parking tag. The following is needed in order to obtain a parking tag: 
1. STHS parking application: Scan QR code here or on ASB wall in front office. QR Code Parking or click:
2. Driver’s license
3. Car registration
4. Proof of Car Insurance. 

Parking tags will not be issued during class time.

Work Permits

Work permits are available in the Career Center, located in the STHS Library. Ask for Mr. Loop.
Students must be hired at a job before obtaining a work permit, but cannot start work until permit is complete.
All Work Permits must be filled out in full by the student/ parent and hiring manager and turned into Mr. Loop for Administration to sign.
Once signed, a copy will be kept for STHS records and the student will need to take the permit to their hiring manager. 

Please go to the STHS Library for any questions.


FASFA Workshop English   FASFA Workshop Spanish  Scholarship App Form for Seniors English    Scholarship App Form for Seniors Spanis