Mental Health & Wellness Resources
Wellness Center
Welcome to the Wellness Center. Our mission is to support students and families by providing access to community resources, offering safe spaces to address needs and concerns, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Each of our Wellness Centers is dedicated to serving the unique needs of their community. Whether through counseling, skills classes, or referrals, we are here to assist you.
To schedule an appointment or to learn more about the specific services offered at your location, please call or email your student's school counselor.
Tahoe Youth & Family Services (TYFS): is a private non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the healthy development of children, families, and individuals through counseling, mentoring, and support programs.
To find out more about the types of counseling services they offer and how to receive them, please follow this link
El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA): The El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency offers many programs that help to improve the quality of life for residents and help people meet basic needs to ultimately become self-sufficient.
To find out more about the types of programs they offer and how to contact them, please follow this link
Sierra Child and Family Services: They offer residential, educational and community based programs for emotionally disturbed girls and boys in Northern California. The program includes a full continuum of care to ensure all children are served in the least restrictive environmentpossible. You may contact them at 530-626-3105.
To find out more about the types of services they offer, please follow this link You may also contact them at 530-626-3105.
Family Resource Center (FRC): The Family Resource Center works to enable individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency and economic stability, to develop resilience in both parents and children, and to allow families to become a contributing part of the community.”
To find out more about the types of programs they offer, please follow this link
Live Violence Free: Helps to promote a violence free community through education and advocacy to address domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and basic needs.
To find out more about the types of programs they offer, please follow this link
A Balanced Life: They are a professional therapy and counseling center designed to bring clients a sense of peace and balance through providing quality, evidence-based counseling practices from a holistic viewpoint to educate, support, and heal individuals, families, and the community.
To find out more about the types of programs they offer, please follow this link
Mountain High Recovery Center: Mountain High Recovery Center (MHRC) seeks the healing and recovery of all individuals, families, and communities affected by the misuse of substances. MHRC believes that treatment should be local, affordable, and individualized to each person's story.
To find out more about what Mountain High Recovery Center has to offer, please visit their website at