
Independent Study

Short Term Independent Study (IS) is designed to provide students the opportunity to stay caught up with their school work; however, please understand that it cannot replace in-class instruction and learning.  Please carefully consider independent study as an option only if and when a student must be absent from school.


-Approved for 3 to 14 total school days in an academic year.

-Requests for IS must be made at least 5 school days in advance.

-IS is NOT available the first and last week of each term. Please check the LTUSD Calendar for dates. (English, Spanish

-All class assignments must be completed while on scheduled IS and turned in within 3 days of returning.
-An incomplete IS will result in future IS requests being denied and some or all days being recorded as unexcused.

Student Responsibilities


-Turn in IS  requests at least 5 school days in advance.

-Discuss assignments with each teacher before leaving on IS. 

-Let teachers know if you will not have wifi.


-Set aside time each day to work on assignments.

-Email teachers if you have any questions.


-Review all assigned work.

-Submit or turn in within 3 days of returning to school.

Questions? Contact:
Jen Seely IS Coordinator 530- 541-5411 x 1836 [email protected]

Jen De Leon
530- 541-5411 x 1821
[email protected]