


Ally is for both members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies. We meet weekly to work on social advocacy and promote equality on campus and beyond. We play games, blast music, and make lifelong friends. Our meetings are a safe space, so come as you are!

Ms. Heidel
& Ms. Aminian

Thursdays @ Lunch B-9

Friday Night Live

FNL is a club that strives to develop programs that are fun and meaningful. By promoting positive messages that are goal-directed, action-oriented, and innovative. The goal of the club is to encourage and empower ALL young people as active leaders and community resources. FNL encourages youth to care about each other and their environment. Conferences and training opportunities are offered to develop leadership and life skills.

Ms. Black

Fridays @ Lunch ST-6

Gardening Club

Our club is dedicated to cultivating a love for gardening, sustainability, and community. We get our hands dirty planting plants/fruits/veggies/herbs (you name it!), maintaining our greenhouse, and sharing knowledge about sustainable gardening practices. Learn about the different types of watering and gardening habits! The greenhouse is welcome to all!

Ms. Richardson

Mondays @ Lunch  SV-202

Climate Crew

This club focuses on direct action, activism, and education. We get outside to plant native trees, clean up trash, learn and educate others about the environment, etc.. Everyone is welcome, we value your perspective in helping our community and planet!

Ms. Richardson 
& Ms. Vermillion

Tuesdays @ Lunch SV-202

Cookies and Crafts

 Ms. Black  Lunch ST-6

Entrepreneurship Club

 Mr. Canny  Flex-Fridays Career Center

Key Club

We focus on service oriented volunteer projects where we put our time into making this school, community and world a better place for the people in it! We need your help, and you will be empowered by the feeling you get when you help others.

Ms. Anthony

Wednesdays @ Lunch ST-3

Action Sports Marketing Club

Do you have a passion for sports and a knack for capturing the excitement of the game? Join the High School Sports Action Broadcast Club and immerse yourself in the world of live sports broadcasting. From the exhilarating highs to the nail-biting moments, our club gives you the chance to be part of the action, both on and off the field

Mr. Sunzari

Every Thursday @ Lunch Student Union Fallen Leaf Room

Lore Club

A club for creative writing enthusiasts! Come ready to create short stories, poetry, and more.

 Ms. Goodwin  Flex C-4

Music Council

In this club students involved in the music program come together to plan and facilitate: fundraisers, concerts, and music gatherings for the school year. All music students are encouraged to join

Mr. Bagheri

Thursdays @ Lunch TADA-6

National History Club

National History Club is a year-long club where students work with Ms. Pomeroy, Ms. Allione, and other teachers to create a high quality history-themed research project. Students will present their project at the Sacramento County History Day competition in March. The club will teach research, creative thinking and historical thinking skills and will prepare students for college and career.

Ms. Pomeroy
& Ms. Allione

Mondays @ Lunch (meeting) and Flex on Fridays (optional project work time) C-8

National Honor Society

This club is for students who demonstrate Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service in their daily lives and want to enrich our community in these areas. Students in grades 10 and 11 are invited to apply in the spring.

Maestra McDonald

Tuesdays @ Lunch or During Flex, Every Other Week A-2

NewsPaper Club

Step into the world of journalism with the Newspaper Club, where your voice and stories come to life! Our club is dedicated to exploring the art of reporting, writing, and editing while providing a platform for students to dive into the world of news and media.

Ms. Aminian

Fridays @ Lunch SV-103
Psychology Club

Students of STHS Psychology Club value the study of the human mind and behavior, and have a desire to promote the study of psychology through learning as well as bringing positive mental wellness understanding/techniques to our school.

 Ms.Berry Mondays @ Flex C-7


This club inspires young women and gender non-specific to take on leadership roles which will help you prepare for your future roles in the business and professional world. We work on meaningful community service projects with our sponsors, the local Soroptimist club.

Mr. & Mrs. Filce

Tuesdays @ Lunch, Every Other Week C-1

Spanish Conversation Circle

This club allows you a place to practice your Spanish on topics that are interesting, such as travel, personal finance, skiing, biking, etc. All Spanish speaking abilities are welcome, join us for conversations in Spanish!

Mr. Salcedo
& Maestro Martin

Fridays @ Lunch or Flex A-8

The Sphere of Influence

Students design and paint murals around the South Shore. Ever wanted to learn how to use artist-quality spray paint and create something amazing in your community? This club is for you. Transportation provided.

Mr. Kauffmann

Fridays @ Lunch CAT-206a

Sports Medicine Club

The Sports Medicine Club is open to all students who want to learn more about opportunities in medicine and want to help others in need; working with local healthcare providers, and fundraising to help families with their medical care.

Mr. Tannaci

Mondays @ Lunch Sports Med Room
 STEM Club Ms.LeVine
& Ms. Richardson
 TBD SV-106

Sugar and Spice Culinary Club

This club is for anyone who enjoys baking and cooking…this club is a perfect match for those wanting to learn more about these topics.

Ms. Cottrill

Every Other Wednesday @ Lunch (Monthly Meetings) SV-203

South Tahoe E Sports Club

Students who enjoy playing competitive video games. We Meet every Friday to practice for monthly tournaments. Current gaming roster is, traditional fighters, platform fighters, anime fighters But are open to include more if logistically possible. BYOC (Bring your own controller). Come hang out and throw down

Mr. Garcia

Thursdays @ Flex, Wednesdays @ Lunch SV-104

Speech and Debate Club

Mr. Seider

Thursdays @ Flex A-3 

Jr Optimist Club - Octagon Club

The Jr Optimist Club strives to create events and opportunities for all youth of our community. We do planning, fundraising and are part of a grant awards process.

Ms. LeVine

Thursdays @ Flex SV-106

 Rock Climbing Club

Mr. Laurence

Wednesdays @ Lunch, after school on Thursdays ST-4 and after school

Mountain Recreation Club

Mr. Kinnett

Thursday's after school, weather permitting. Meet Wednesdays @ Lunch at least once a month ST-1

VIP Club

Mr. Tanacci